When I’m working with business owners who are stuck or frustrated with the pace of where they are trying to go I like to use the following metaphor to describe an optimal way of shifting to a higher place…at a faster pace:
Think of yourself as an organic sentient rocket ship heading towards a new destination. If we truly understand our calling and purpose, we’re pushing towards a destination way above where we might be now.
We have 6 thrusters that push us forward. If there are any deficiencies in any of these, they can impact the trajectory and even burn out and we’ll crash if we’re not paying attention.
They are:
Your Physical Health
Your Emotional Health
Your Spiritual Health
The Health of Your Relationships
Your Financial Health
Your Business(es) Health
Our energy gets fueled by or gets depleted depending on the health of these thrusters.
Starting with my “Catalyst Checkpoint” I take you through a set of steps to ensure we are paying attention to staying on track towards reaching new heights without any deterioration in these thrusters.
This is what works for me and how I help others get unstuck and make big leaps without sacrificing any aspect or quality of their life.
Interested in learning more?
Book a call and let’s chat: