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Writer's pictureEric Thorsen

Inspired by Excellence

I'm getting some fresh air and sunshine.

Love the summers in the northeast.

I was watching the Olympics. It’s so inspiring to see these incredible athletes really competing at the top level worldwide…and just thinking about the level of commitment that you've got to have to do this. Right?

It's not like they're necessarily going to make a huge amount of money from doing this. The sacrifice, the dedication, the discipline required to really compete at that level, and then realize that when/if you do get the opportunity that you're going to win or lose by possibly a fraction of a second.

Then in some cases, in some of the events, it really is just a bunch of people who are judging whether or not you did something, that was harder, stronger, faster, better than somebody else.

It’s open to human interpretation.

Now that's a level of commitment. What an inspiring level of discipline!

It's been really, really exciting to watch.

Then brought me back to this topic about getting into a place where we sometimes get into this unhealthy comparison of others. You know, the idea that, Instead of being inspired, you might say, I wish it was younger, thinner, taller, shorter, you know, richer, whatever.

Whatever the comparison is. I love the quote somebody once said about this:

“Comparison of yourself to other people is the thief of joy.”

It’s an important reminder that your attitude and your perspective really have a lot of control over how you're gonna present yourself on any given day.

This is one of the reasons why I like to come outside, get some exercise, do some morning readings, and make sure that I have a solid, healthy perspective and bring that into my day.

Watching these athletes do phenomenal things and thinking about the level of sacrifice and commitment it’s taken them to get there, is truly inspiring!

I hope all of you have a great day and are inspired by the people around you!

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