Today I was coaching somebody on a call and we got into this conversation about being out of your comfort zone and stress.
Moving out of your comfort zone requires:
→ Tolerance for discomfort
→ Which can feel like stress.
Is there such a thing as good stress?
Sometimes being out of your comfort zone just feels like stress.
A big part of this for me is to go back to focusing on the outcome you're looking for.
Maybe you're trying to learn as much as you can about AI and automation?
→ How can this help my business and you start feeling tension and stress.
→ How am I going to stay ahead of this avalanche of information that's coming out.
What I always do and I coach other people to do is:
→ Focus on the outcome
→ Go back to gratitude.
At times, with everything else that's on your plate this can create:
→ Tension in your body
→ Anxiety
→ Stress
It's about reframing that energy and turning it into gratitude.
→ You get to learn this new information.
→ We get to create space for our teams to do the same.
→ We get to be part of this huge innovation that's going on.
→ We get to figure out how it might be able to help us and help others.
When you're in that space of discomfort in growth turning into anxiety and tension, it may be time to:
→ Take a break
→ Do some breath work
→ Reframe focusing on your outcome.